Outdoor RV Games

Outdoor RV GamesWhile RVing and camping can be extremely fun, it is always nice to have some games to play while you’re not exploring. These games can be fun for two or an entire family and take up very little space. These are perfect outdoor RV games for any family.


This game includes boards and beanbags, and that’s it! It can easily be stored and played with numerous people. You can play with 2 people or even with teams. The goal is to get the beanbag into the hole in the board. It may sound easy but it is a lot harder than you’d expect!


This game is much like Darts but instead you use “Jarts” which are basically Jumbo Darts you try to throw into a circle on the ground. Points are scored based upon Jarts that are thrown into or near the cricle. For a safer version of the game, opt for the weighted Jarts instead of the pointy ones!


Everyone has seen a Frisbee and there are endless games you can play with one. Whether you want to toss it back and fourth or get a big game of Ultimate Frisbee going, you’ll have hours of endless fun. Be sure to check the wind and surrounding areas so you don’t end up losing your frisbee!


This game can be played between 2 people or 2 teams of 2 people. You use four horseshoes and two stakes. The goal is to toss the horseshoe around the stake, if it stays you score a point. This game takes up very little space and can provide lots of fun for the whole family.

Nature Scavenger Hunt:

This is the perfect game for kids and adults of any age and requires next to nothing. Make a list of various objects to find in nature, whether it be a flower, a bug or even a bird. Give everyone the list and start hunting! For children, the more simple, the better.

Flashlight Tag

Another fun game for the whole family that requires very little. In fact, all you need are some flashlights! This game is just like tag, except you use a flashlight to play. Be sure to define the boundaries and rules of the game before starting.

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