Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Choose An RV

So you are interested in the RV lifestyle? Buying an RV can be an extremely exciting experience, you’ll get to travel more often, have a home away from home and for some even a new home to live in all year long. Depending upon a lot of factors, selecting an RV can sometimes be difficult however. Before choosing your RV, here are some questions you should ask yourself and definitely know the answers to.

What type of camping do I plan on doing?

For many RV owners, they plan on doing some light traveling throughout the year. For others, they may have decided to take life on the road and become a nomad of sorts. Depending upon what you intend on using your RV for, certain types of RVs may be more fitting. Toy haulers allow you to bring ATVs, dirt bikes and other useful tools but you sacrifice space. At Seguin RV we can help discuss what you want the RV for and help you select an appropriate option.

Where do I plan on camping?

Depending upon where you plan on camping, certain RVs may be more appropriate. Various parks around America have size limitations for RVs, making a larger RV a poor choice. If you plan on staying at state-parks, 32 feet or less is recommended. Plan on staying at a full-amenity park? A big rig would be perfectly fine. Another thing to take into account is the amount of amps available and the amount you need.

How often will I be traveling?

The size of your RV will obviously have a big impact on the cost of fuel, the larger the rig, the more gas you’ll be using. For those that plan on traveling often from place to place, fuel efficiency is probably more important. For those that plan on traveling very seldomly, the gas mileage may be less of a concern.

How many occupants will be staying in the RV? (Pets included!)

For most people, having space is extremely important. And, while living the RV lifestyle doesn’t exactly offer the most amount of space, selecting the right RV can help. You should consider how many people will be staying in the RV along with any pets you plan on traveling with as well. A few thousand dollars may seem like a big deal at the time, but once you are on the road and invading eachothers space, you may rethink your choice.

There are many things to think about when investing in a new RV. At Seguin RV, we’d be happy to discuss any questions you may have so that you can make an educated and informed decision about your RV purchase.

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